Learn the Word, Serve the Church, Reach the World

Gap Year Program includes a Camp Ministry Residency Internship at Sabine Creek Ranch

Grow in your ability to serve your local church and study the Bible in depth.

Prepare for Pastoral Ministry, Missions, Church Planting, and more.

Click Here to Check Out the Spring 2024 Class Schedule

Classes Begin Monday, January 22, 2024

Learn the Word, Serve the Church, Reach the World

Our Mission and Purpose

Our mission is to train followers of Jesus to carefully and faithfully handle the word of God, to invest in the lives of their Christian brothers and sisters, and to build up the church for the mission of Jesus in the world.

We strive to provide a seminary quality education at a Bachelor's degree level and at a community college price so that you can deepen your understanding of the Bible and get equipped to serve the church without the typical expenses of higher education.

Our aim is for our students to be competent students of the Bible and theological thinkers who are invested in discipling others through sacrificial service. 

Full-time and part-time students are welcome as well as non-degree continuing education students. 

Class costs are kept as low and as affordable as possible through donations and the generous support of our contributing churches and organizations. 

We have in-person, hybrid, and online classes available each semester. All students must complete an application

Learn the Word, Serve the Church, Reach the World

Logos Bible Software

Students completing at least two semesters of Greek, Hebrew, and/or Bible Study Methods will receive the powerful Logos Bible Software with free resources, and they keep this software for life. Learn how to dig deeper into the Bible with classroom training!

Greek and Hebrew Resources

Powerful original language tools quickly collect information and organize what is most helpful in colorful charts with detailed cross-references.

Bible Study and Theology Made Easy

Background information and other data from extensive sources makes the context of biblical passages more clear and highlight important notes with a simple click. 

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