Current Course Availability

Spring 2024


Online Classes

The following classes are available as "Online Only" classes. Each week the student will receive a video lecture to watch and a disucssion board prompt. The student can watch at their own pace within the week, but watching the video and submitting a response to the discussion board will count as attendance for the week. All assignments will be turned in electronically for these classes.

ONLINE - BIBL 1011 OL: Old Testament Survey

ONLINE - BIBL 1012 OL: New Testament Survey

ONLINE - THEO 1001 OL: Christian Doctrine I

ONLINE - PASM 1002 OL: World Religions

ONLINE - PASM 1003 OL: Apologetics


Monday 1:00-2:45 p.m. - NTST Greek II: Intermediate Greek

Monday 5:00-6:45 p.m. - BIBL 4001: NT Exposition I: The Gospels


Thursday 1:00-2:45 p.m. - NTST 1002 W - Practice Lab for Greek II

Thursday 3:00-4:45 p.m. - BIBL 1002: Bible Study Methods II