Gap Year Program

Program Overview

Click on the Headings below to open descriptions/details of each item.

College Classes: 5 Courses in Fall / 5 Courses in Spring

The Gap Year Program includes two full-time semesters of Biblical and Theological training to form a strong and deep foundation for a lifetime of service following Jesus:

Semester 1 (15 hours / 5 classes):

BIBL 1001 - Bible Study Methods I

THEO 1001 - Christian Doctrine I

THEO 1011 - Church History I: First Century to the Reformation

BIBL 1011 - Old Testament Survey

PASM 1001 - Evangelism and Discipleship


Semester 2 (15 hours / 5 classes):

BIBL 1002 - Bible Study Methods II

THEO 1002 - Christian Doctrine II

THEO 1012 - Church History II: Reformation to the Modern Era

BIBL 1012 - New Testament Survey

+Choice of one:

(a) PASM 1002 - World Religions

(b) PASM 1003 - Apologetics

Camp Ministry and Service Experience

The Gap Year Student will serve at the camp an average of 16 hours on weekends that camp groups are booked at Sabine Creek Ranch. Weekends when the camp is not booked and other holiday times are free time not obligated to the camp service requirements. 

Church Involvement

Gap Year Students will be expected to maintain active involvement in a local church during their time at Acts Bible College and Sabine Creek Ranch. Active involvement means that their participation in church is more than merely attending. We believe that serving in a local ministry context is a healthy part of ministry training. Active involvement should be participation in a church where there is healthy fellowship, where the Gap Year Student has responsibilities to the operation of the ministries, and where one is held accountable to living out the Christian life. This will be maintained through regular contact between the staff of Acts Bible College and the church where the Gap Year Student is serving. 

Generations Church ( is on the property of Sabine Creek Ranch and it is an excellent option for attendance and service for all Acts Bible College Students. There are numerous other churches nearby which a student could also choose for this requirement as well. It is important that the Gap Year Student has a church group to which they belong. 

Gap Year Program Cost

$1,000/month September to May ($9,000 total)

This covers Room and Board, meals on camp weekends, and the stocked kitchen. Students also have access to other camp and school facilities. All class tuition is also included in this price (except for textbooks and general school supplies). The Gap Year program continues in the summer following the academic year (June, July, and August), and during this time the Gap Year Student is a full time intern serving the camp all week every week. During this summer service period their Room and Board and meals are totally included at no extra charge. 

On Campus Life / Accommodations (included in cost)

Room and Board

Separate male and female sleeping quarters with restrooms. This includes a laundry room and internet service throughout the camp and school areas. 


When there are camps for the weekend at which the Gap Year Student is serving, their meals are provided by the kitchen staff (cafeteria) of the camp. 

Stocked Kitchen

There is a kitchen where Intern Students can prepare their own meals the remainder of the time, and the kitchen is stocked weekly with staple items. The student can request certain preferred groceries or any specific allergy-friendly requests as needed. 

TV Room

There is a TV room/lounge with comfortable living room furniture and a large-screen TV. 

Study Areas

There are numerous study areas around the camp and school. 

Country Scenery and 70-acre Camp to Relax at When the Work is Done

Sabine Creek Ranch sits on 70 beautiful acres to which the student has fairly open access at any times that they are not in class and the facilities or spaces are not in use by the camp, or Generations Church, or Acts Bible College for scheduled purposes. 

Gap Year Student Responsibilities

16 Hours/Weekend for Camp

This service will be required any weekend that Sabine Creek Ranch is booked (which is most weekends except for some holidays and about half of December and January. This service will include training and individual attention from the Camp Director and will cover a variety of aspects of camp ministry and operations. 

Gap Year Summer Internship Service

The Gap Year Student will become a full-time intern of Sabine Creek Ranch for the summer following the academic year. So after working weekends in camp ministry and attending classes for the Fall and Spring (Late August through May), then the student will have free room and board at the camp and work as a full time intern in camp ministry for the summer (June, July, and August). Then in mid August there is a graduation ceremony and the Gap Year Student graduates with both a One-Year Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies and also a Certificate of Completion of an Internship in Camp/Youth Ministry

Active Participlation / Serving in a Local Church

As noted above, this involves the active participation in and service towards the ministries of the local church which the student chooses to be involved with during their time in the Acts Bible College / Sabine Creek Ranch Internship Program. Once a church is established for the student, the school will contact the church and explain our expectations of the Gap Year Student so that someone at the church can occasionally report back to Acts Bible College regarding the student’s participation in the life of the church.