Ministry Mentors

A top priority will be for each student to have accountability and ministry experience in their home church during their time as a student. All full-time students and part-time degree-program students will be required to have a Ministry Mentor relationship with a staff member or lay leader in their home church. 

This program will offer experience through required active participation in the ministries of the church. The student's involvement will be supported through accountability with the church representative (their Ministry Mentor) and with regular interactions with Acts Bible College teachers. Every student will be engaged in the ministries of the church and contributing their talents and learning to the growth of the kingdom in order to qualify for coursework.

Students taking only one or two classes at a time for ongoing education are not required to be in the Ministry Mentors program. Ongoing education students are still encouraged to maintain active relationships and minsitry service in their local church congregations. 

School administrators are available to assist with any questions about this program or general questions about church involvement. Please email at the "Request Information" button on the main page with any questions or to seek assistance.  


Nathan Jordan Professor, Presidentemail:
Nathan Jordan, ThMNathan is currently ABD (All But Dissertation) working on his PhD in New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He holds a ThM degree from Dallas Theological Seminary with extensive course work in New Testament Greek, Bible Study Methods, Bible Exposition, Systematic Theology, Educational Ministry, and Old Testament Biblical Hebrew. His undergraduate degree is in Christian Ministry from Dallas Baptist University. He is a pastor and church-planter in Garland, Texas and is happily married to Rebecca Jordan. They have seven children and one grandson. He has served in foreign missions with Buckner Orphancare International and in local evangelism through the Dallas Evangelism Fellowship and Fair & Rodeo Evangelism. He has written and presented training materials on evangelism, discipleship, apologetics, understanding world religions, Islamic studies, and other topics for local church ministry and has preached and taught in many cities across Texas. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature.